Welcome to the Olympus Gum community! We are grateful you visited our site and excited to share our passion with you. At Olympus, we want to change the way you think about chewing gum. We have found a natural counter to the dye-filled chemical junk on shelves today and are confident that you will enjoy the health and beauty benefits. Our gum is being delivered straight from the groves in Greece into your hands. No chemicals. No additives. Straight from the Earth, to you.
Founder, Nick Smith
Olympus Gum's Vision
We are entering the Renaissance of the 21st century – not of art, but of health.
Picture this: an entire society of humans hunched over their laptops, slaves to their screens, terrible posture, anxious, depressed, addicted, devoid of sunlight and physical exercise, their pantries stuffed with processed sugars and refined carbs, their bodies turned doughy and soft, their mental fortitude and resolve even softer, the machine of their everyday lives spinning on the axis of comfort and convenience.
Slowly, people begin to blink into awareness.
We can do better than this.
Hungry for a back-to-roots way of living, groups of like-minded people are swimming upstream against Big Food and Big Pharma, looking to the ancient archetypes of our ancestors for guidance and inspiration.
I count myself as one among many in this Renaissance, and chances are, if you are reading this, you do as well.
I’ve tried mainstream “health and wellness” fads before – like oat milk (riddled with inflammatory seed oils) and Beyond Meat (packed with carcinogens) – without success. These fads are failing us. They might even be killing us.
Alas, the solution to the problem of our health cannot be found in a one-off product. It can, however, be found in the traditional lifestyles of our ancestors, who lived intentionally close to the earth. To quote the controversial yet iconic idea of conservation in 2023, John Dutton of Yellowstone: “We stopped living with the land and started living on it.”
It was during this realization that I discovered mastic gum.
In the east Aegean sea, with Turkey not far off on the horizon, there is a Greek island called Chios. On the southern half of this island grows these unique trees called the “mastic” tree, which produce a translucent, opaque resin called “mastiha”.
Chios is the only place on the planet to successfully cultivate and harvest mastiha at scale. Small but unique, with sandy beaches and striking mountains, the topography of this specific island created the perfect environment to produce the resin known as “white gold”.
This resin contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant healing properties that humans have been using as medicine for over 2,500 years.
Hippocrates, an ancient Greek physician, was known for using it to heal gastrointestinal disorders. It’s been used to heal lesions on the skin; to fix dental problems; to sculpt jaw muscles; to enhance sinus production and breathing ability; and to flavor cuisine with its unique, aromatic bitterness. The EMA (European Medicines Agency) officially classified it as a therapeutic herbal medicine.
Today, amidst a society of desk jobs and over processed foods, this resin takes an interesting form:
Chewing gum.
Of course, I had to see for myself.
Curiosity led me on a journey to Chios, where I set out to learn more about this process and these people. The pride of the people was effervescent and undeniable – and understandably so. What health and wellness fads have a history this far-reaching, this effective, this rich and robust?
I felt compelled to tell others about it.
Did you know that we’ve been chewing sugary, processed, rot-your-teeth gum for decades, when we could have been chewing therapeutic medicine from the earth – just like our ancestors did?
Healing properties. Stronger jaws. Sculpted facial muscles.. Better breathing posture.
Annoying my friends by jabbering on and on about mastic gum wasn’t cutting it for me. I wanted- even needed- to share this discovery with as many people as possible.
This is why Olympus Gum exists – to usher in the Renaissance of health, wellness, and beauty.
But please, friend, do not be fooled. Olympus Gum is not about health trends or one-off wellness fads. It is not even necessarily about healing properties or chewing gum.
It is about being a part of the greater story of the human journey. It is about making an active choice to reject plastic lies and pursue the natural truth that exists in the bounty of our world. It is about having respect for where we came from and where we are going. It is an ancient practice for a modern problem.
Not a solution, per se, but a stepping stone.
I hope it means as much to you as it does to me.